Crop and weather update

Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Rain fell across the whole region in the past week, with accumulations of three tenths to half an inch. Many areas still have standing water in fields. Earliest canola in the north is about three weeks from cutting. Late fields in the south are just coming out of flower and will need frost to hold off until mid to late September.

Alberta: Early crops will be ready to swath in a week or two. Late crops are still flowering. Most of the province has enough moisture, except pockets in the south that could use rain. Alberta crop report.

Saskatchewan: Swathing has started in southern regions, but the swathing period could last for six weeks across Saskatchewan given the wide range of crop maturity. The south has been fairly hot and dry. The north has had variable precipitation, with severe hail in some northwest locations. Saskatchewan crop report.

Manitoba: Rain ranged from less than a tenth to over an inch across the province. Over 2” of rain and hail hit the Deloraine area. Less than 5% of the crop is swathed but this should be a busy week of swathing. 15 Aug 8 Crop Report