Crop and weather updates:

Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing is general across the Peace and the odd field has been combined in south, central and western regions. Rains of a few tenths at a time have hit the driest regions just as farmers are trying to harvest. Hail covered a large area from Woking to Wanham, burying swaths in some spots. Hawk Hills area had a frost of minus 2°C Saturday morning, although most growers were well into swathing by that time.

Alberta: The south was relatively dry the past week. Central Alberta received some rain — less than an inch in most places — and spotty hail. General swathing is still one to 3 weeks away in the south and 5 days to 2 weeks away in central Alberta. For most fields, seeds are firming up but colour change has not occurred. Read the Alberta crop report.

Saskatchewan: Swathing has begun for early crops and is general across the south. Late crops still need 2 to 3 weeks. Rain continues, with most regions getting at least half an inch. Grenfell got 4”. “Getting stuck with swathers is going to be an issue,” says Jim Bessel, CCC senior agronomy specialist for northeastern Saskatchewan. Yield potential varies widely, with some fields — even in rain-soaked parts — showing tremendous potential and many others at 15 bushels/acre or less. Read the Saskatchewan crop report.

Manitoba: Southwest is 80% swathed and 10% combined, with yields in the 20 to 50 bushel/acre range. Swathing in the northwest is just getting underway. Central and eastern regions are 25% to 40% combined, with no green seed to speak of and yields from 20 to 65 bushels per acre. Read the Manitoba crop report.