Submit samples to Harvest Sample Program

Growers who participate in the Canadian Grain Commission’s Harvest Sample Program get an unofficial grade, including dockage, oil content and chlorophyll (green) content for their canola. The CGC also uses the results to estimate the overall quality of Canada’s canola crop.

Register online to receive a harvest sample kit.  Samples are accepted until the end of November but send as soon a harvest is complete.

The program accepts samples from a number of key crops, including major oilseed, cereal and pulse crops grown in Canada.

Preliminary results for 2020. The CGC has posted a report based on about 500 samples. Read last year’s report for comparison. So far in 2020, the oil content is about one percentage point lower than last year – 43.5 per cent in 2020 compared to 44.6 per cent in 2019. CGC says the warmer temperatures are the issue.