Harvest preparation: Pre-harvest intervals and other quick links

We will get into these topics in more depth over the coming weeks, but here’s a quick preview of some common harvest and pre-harvest topics.

Know product pre-harvest intervals. Thinking of applying any crop protection products between now and canola cutting? Know the product’s specific pre-harvest interval (PHI) for each particular crop before applying. Use the tool at spraytoswath.ca for quick product PHI comparisons.

Almost time for pre-harvest disease scouting. Disease lesions will start to show up on stems, especially the most severe infections – the ones most likely to cause yield loss. However, the best time to scout for blackleg, sclerotinia stem rot, verticillium and other diseases is just before swath timing when the crop is starting to turn colour. How to identify lesions.

Prepare to measure harvest losses. Get your drop pan ready and review your combine settings to prepare to reduce losses in 2019. Consider helping PAMI with its harvest loss survey. Listen to this harvest loss podcast and read more in the Canola Encyclopedia. CCC Guide to Managing Canola Harvest

Canola Digest articles:
New tech checks bins
Farmer Panel: How do you limit canola harvest losses
Manage weeds with the combine