CCC Convention 2016: Top Guns at MCAS Miramar

The Canola Council of Canada 2016 Convention in San Diego March 1-3 will wrap up with a Top Gun Gala. Delegates have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the ranks of the military’s Top Guns at MCAS Miramar! The evening will include a tour of the Marine Corps Air Station hangar with a chance to witness fighter jets practice their touch and go landings. All this followed by a steak dinner, drinks, live music and dancing in the Officer’s Club!

The Miramar gala closes the two-day program with the following world-class speakers:
Curt Steinhorst on “Thriving in the age of distraction”
Yvette D’Entremont on “SciBabe’s tips on tackling pseudoscience”
Bill Lapp on “Oilseed supply and demand”
Steven Webb on “The next generation of biotech”
Glen Hodgson on “Global economics”
Misha Glouberman on “Communication secrets from expert negotiators”
Andy Vance on “Canola meal and California dairy”
Dara O’Rourke on “Technology, transparency and the future of food”
Bruce Kirkby on “An explorer’s guide to risk management”
Manual Villacorta with a CanolaInfo culinary demonstration

…plus more to be announced.
All who register by January 11 are entered into an early bird draw for an iPad mini. Register today.