September 4 Quiz

1. The combine loss monitor is an accurate way to assess how many bushels are thrown over the back of the combine.
2. Combine losses tend to match up evenly with ground speed, with 2 mph creating a 2 bu./ac. loss, 3 mph creating a 3 bu./ac. loss, 4 mph creating a 4 bu./ac. loss, and so on.
3. You use a drop pan to check for losses out the back of the combine. The drop pan is one square foot and after the combine drives over it, the seed in the pan amounts to 6.2 grams. If the combine is picking up a 30-foot swath and the combine’s discharge area is 5 feet wide, how many bushels per acre is this combine throwing over? (If you want a detailed explanation of how to do the calculation, just make a guess below, "submit" your quiz, and read the answer key.)