Topics for the month

Full bin canola

With reports of better than average yields for many regions of the Prairies, that means higher than average nutrient uptake and removal. Growers will not have a chance to repeat these canola yields in 2014 without some close attention to soil nutrient reserves and, quite likely, higher fertilizer rates. Fall is a good time to test the soil nutrient situation.

As harvest wraps up, we repeat the importance of checking bins. The first 4-6 weeks after harvest are critical times to make sure the temperature has lowered to a safe level (15°C or lower, and stable), and that moisture is adequate for safe long term storage (8% is ideal for canola).

Seed shopping? The CCC coordinated Canola Performance Trials again in 2013 to compare variety performance. Data is being collected and processed. Results will be posted at and a summary booklet will be mailed with an upcoming Canola Digest magazine.

We have ended our weekly in-season Canola Watch reports. Canola Watch will come to you every month through the winter, starting with this October edition. Thank you for making this the best ever year for Canola Watch readership. Please send any comments and suggestions for improvement to Jay Whetter at