Crop and weather update

Peace (B.C. and Alberta): Swathing is nearly complete in the north and just starting in the southwest. All other regions are somewhere in between. High temperatures are forecast for the coming week, which will give late crops valuable time to ripen further before swathing.

Alberta: Swathing will be close to finished in south and east central regions by the end of this week. The far south is up to 40% combined. Progress is further behind in west central and north central regions, with only 10-20% of acres swathed. With warm temperatures forecast for the next week, fields will benefit from a few extra days before swathing. Light frost hit some areas but damage appears to have been minimal. Alberta crop report.

Saskatchewan: Combining progresses rapidly across the south and swathing is near complete in central regions. Some north regions still have a lot of canola to swath. Heavy storms dropped large amounts of rain in Canora and Weyburn areas in particular, leaving growers with very wet low spots to swath around. Saskatchewan crop report.

Manitoba: Rainfall ranged anywhere from half an inch to 4”, with the highest around Swan River. Swathing in the province ranges from 35% to 100% complete. The Pas and Swan River regions are the furthest behind but a lot of crop will be swathed this week, despite the rain. Combining in the province ranges from 5% to 80% complete, with 50-60% complete overall. Manitoba crop report.